

We Are A Blessed People Because We Are An Informed People

Our Mission is to provide unified Christian education that compels Believers to seek continual growth and development through the succinct teachings of the Word of God in order to prepare them for Christian service.  

Our Purpose is to be an efficacious resource that teaches Believers Christ-likeness with balance in order to empower the Body of Christ for the advancing of the Kingdom of God. 

 Inside the Walls: The Church-Wide Education Ministry plans and oversees Christian and general education activities, curriculum and services provided to members and the community. 

Additionally we have Live and Virtual Classes via Facebook & YouTube:

Bishop Simon Gordon: Weekly Monday Night Bible Study - 7:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. (Live in Person, Main Sanctuary)

Weekly (Mid-Week Bible Study (Thursdays) - 12:00 p.m. 1:30 p.m. (Virtual Zoom)

SABBATH School, Saturdays at 6:00 p.m. on Facebook Live

Fresh Thought, Sundays 

Annual Teachers Training Program (Spring)

Annual Family Enrichment Week (August)


 Next Steps: Serve as a Volunteer (Stakeholder) and Go be a Witness! 

Outside the Walls: At Triedstone we believe that "Learning is a Lifestyle" so the following continuing education resources are for your advancement.

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